Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ultra Exhibition

in Photogr8
By Meri Shesho
(English bellow)
Мемоарите на една гејша – сега илустрирани!
Присуствувајте на изложбата на фотографии на младите талентирани средношколци, дел од работилниците на Photogr8, проект организиран од младинската продукција за филм и медиа Cre8ive8, а спроведен од нашите волонтери Ciprian (Романија) и Genesis (Шпанија).
Фотографиите, покрај што ја доловуваат природата на една гејша, другата тематика која ја опфаќаат се македонските изведувачи на Parkour, екстремен спорт или техника, што опфаќа трчање во еден правец, со поминување на каква и да е препрека која би се нашле на патот - скокање по и од згради, мостови и останати масовни предмети и градби!
Покрај овие две теми, ќе има изложено уште многу интересни фотографии, чија тематика ќе остане засега тајна за правилно да ги доживеете на самата изложба.
Повелете да ги искусите овие несекојдневни фотографии во La Kaña, Стара чаршија, во понеделник, 29.11.2010 од 19часот, да се запознаете со нивните автори, да уживате во малата коктел-забава и, можеби, вие ќе бидете наредните cre8ivе-ци!
Повеќе за проектот можете да дознаете на http://photogr8.blogspot.c

The pictures of a geisha and Macedonian Parkour performers - exhibition

The memoirs of a geisha - now illustrated!
Be present on the exhibition of photographs of the young talented high school students, part of the Photogr8 workshops, a project organised by Cre8ive8 Youth Media Production and implemented by our volunteers, Ciprian (Romania) and Genesis (Spain).
The photographs, besides exposing the nature of one geisha, the other theme that is covered are the Macedonian Parkour performers, extreme sport or a technique that involves running in one direction, moving quickly and efficiently past obstacles - jumping of and to buildings, bridges and other giant objects and constructions!
Beside these two themes, there will be exhibited many more interesting photos, which thematic will be kept secret in order to experience them properly on the exhibit itself
Welcome to experience these extraordinary photographs in La Kaña, Old Bazaar, on Monday, 29.11.2010 at 19h, to meet their authors, enjoy the small cocktail-party and, perhaps, you can be the next Cre8ive8 members!
You can find more about the project on

Monday, November 1, 2010

Try to explore

Skopje by night ...

By Ciprian Pantea

Every city has it's particularity and it's spirit given mostly by its inhabitants. More or less we are the we are the city's spirit. We see it day by day and sometimes we get bored. At night the cities are changing and it wears a different coat, one that if you did not discovered yet ... you have to discover it.
Skopje has one of a kind spirit due to its cultural diversity one that is not 100% exploited. Also it has an amazing mountains and which gives you a wonderful view of the city.
All you have to do is to explore Skopje by night and listen to the church bells or to the sound of the mosques. One of a kind experience. Our favorite place with an amazing view is the hill in front of the Contemporary Art Museum - the core of the city.
Of course it was a hard experience due to the coldness of the weather and the hardness of the wind. We all had to wait for our turn to come, because we had only two tripods and two cameras! It was a good experience - some romantic view of a frozen city and some jumping - jogging and of course the photography which made our evening.
Try to see the photos on our PHOTOGR8 Fan Page. Click here!

Enjoy your day!

Monday, October 25, 2010


the sunset over Skopje

By Ciprian Pantea

We have some moments that last for a few minutes but we remember them forever. Sunsets, sunrises are one of those romantic moments that you enjoy them silently waiting for a short day by day miracle.

Our purpose was clear, it followed the teaching photography path. All we had to do was set the ISO to 100 and play with the WB (white balance). Practice and play with the light and enjoy the clear sky though the camera lens for those seconds ....

It was a good experience since we shoot really good photos!

Enjoy the photos !

Monday, October 18, 2010

Look at

autumn though the lens of a Minolta Dimange Xt

By Ciprian Pantea

The main stereotype about photographers is that a good photographer must have a expensive camera and huge lens. The only think that a professional camera can provide is a high resolution picture.
This is not enough! Photography implies that imagination and a camera can't give you that. The root of imagination is drawn from the will to act, and the next steps towards achieving it involve deep thinking, observing, as well as analyzing the environment around you.
Why do we have to invent obstacles towards achieving our goals and passions?!? Why to build walls around us when all we have to do is act.Small steps towards achieving the big goal!!!
I don't need a huge camera to create beautiful pictures. This a precious lesson that we all have to understand. A lesson that we can create something - even with a nonprofessional camera .
Thank you Веле for showing us that art comes with dedication!

Enjoy Веле's pictures!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's learn

how to shoot a portrait

By Ciprian Pantea

This post will be dedicated to two students that sacrificed their morning sleep to come and study photography in MKC center.
This makes me think of a something important - if you really want to achieve something you have to quit some of your time dedicated to your most wanted habits to learn, to study, to think, to create.
Every action must be dedicated to a purpose and passion to everything you do. If you don't have passion is better to find it. If you don't find it is better to search for it again. Passion is the way to performance.
Taking photos is all about discovering the nearby universe and the camera is just an excuse to interact with people, to cross the cultural barriers and make new possible friends. And what is a cultural barrier - another self-made human prison - prisoners of our own proud and social status. Just think about this on your daily walk on the streets of your city. Think about how much we lose just by simply ignoring each other.
What we learned in this session was to take pictures, smile and ask nicely - May I take a photo of you?!?
The result is always positive!

Special thanks to Andrea and Bojan!



in Стара Чаршија

By Ciprian Pantea

We opened the new activities in Photogr8 Club with a photo walk in Стара Чаршија. All those people passionate about photography. All those people with a high desire to know and to discover new pictures in an old all known place.

They had the opportunity to meet a powerful tool, capable of surprising reality in new ways, capable of reshaping all known meaning - they met the DSLR camera. The only condition needed to do all these things is to know how to use it.

All first meetings are difficult:

- Look at this person! How strange she is?!?

- Yes! Damn it! She does not smile at all? Why on earth it has so many buttons?

- What did she say? Aperture, Speed, Focus?!!!? Damn who does she think she is?!?

Wait a bit there! Don't get angry, already! I will tell you only one thing: All the new beginnings are difficult - My advice is arm yourself with a little bit of passion and a lot of practice and at the end you will be rewarded with amazing pictures and wonderful memories!

You will always be rewarded because once you figured out the trick you will want to take pictures of the whole world.

Until then practice and passion!

See you soon and enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


- is back in the game!

By Ciprian Pantea

Tomorrow at 18:30 occurs the most waited event - Photogr8's opening in MKC Center!

We are glad to work once again with photography passionate people - a chance of creating and learning - a chance of developing skills and contribute to the new discoveries!

During our meetings we will have the chance to study photography and ways to use Photoshop in photography. Also we will learn how to use our imagination to create interesting photos and the chance to discover a new approach towards debating and discovering new interesting facts in photography - and not only.

Join and discover!

We already said too much!!!

Signs Photogr8 Team!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


PHOTOGR8, EXHIBITION Orce Nikolov School,
Wednesday 18 of August at 20:30 in Azafran Restaurant



This Exhibition is part of the Photogr8 Project organised by Cre8ive8.
The Project is implemented in cooperation with the EVS Genesis Lence and Ciprian Pantea and aims to establish a photo club for young people.
The photos on the Exhibition are just part of the inspiring work that is done within the project activities...Come and Enjoy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Photogr8 Exhibition

Oh yes it happened indeed!

by Elina Pahumi

On the 10th of June 2010 Photogr8 had an exhibition in Orce Nikolov High School. It was our first time and we were exhibiting what we have come out with during our one month work. On the exhibition itself were presented many photos that were taken from most of the students and were shown two videos that were made thanks to our brilliant tutors and the students. Of course out creativity played a major part during the whole thing.

On the exhibition all of the participants in the project were present, and we were the hosts and the exhibitors of the same. Not many people came, but those who did gave very positive compliments about our work. Some of them even showed interest in joining us. After the exhibition finished everyone dived into the food and drinks at our humble little mini bar.

To sum it all up, the exhibition went great, we had a wonderful time and of course, it was a lovely new experience for all of us.

The photos of the Photogr8 exhibition are available to see in the Spanski Restoran.

Enjoy !!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Discover the life in Skopje

By Ciprian Pantea

We are all used to big cities where you can see people moving, cars horning, bikes speeding...noise and you try to get as far for some fresh air. I think that we can change this kind of environment if we really want too. We can try to change it in a way that we can enjoy the city life.
In this photo-session we combined city life with a photo-competition in which we tried to drawn the city life as it is, with its beautiful and with its sad parts. It is a part of us! We have to accept it in order to change it!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Candy-Girl Photo Session

The power of Photography
Article by Ciprian Pantea

This is a lesson about what photography means by showing its true power. We all acknowledge it still we experienced it for real! Photography can change meanings and situation it can create persons that in reality does not really exist ... this is the true power of photography to change reality if the photographer really wants too. And sometimes we are prisoners of our own dreams images that make us fell beautiful, proud, pretty, sexy or images of famous people that we treasure like it is something very important. Photography as a substitute of what we don't have in reality.
How do you create that?!? This is a question that should not be asked!!!! Shhhhh .... It is thought the power of suggestion and thought the power of imagination and thought experience that comes in time. As well through camera philters and most probably image manipulation.

Photography is a powerful tool if you know how to use it.

Use photography wisely !!!

70´s Photosesion

A day in the past ...
by Ciprian Pantea

"Time is like a dandelion flake. You see the flake flying free and the warm summer wind and suddenly disappears in the big blue sky, as if it never existed. If by chance you capture it, will be just in some old photo or in your memory. The moment was there but it stopped to exist. It was the last beating of it’s heart."

Have ever tried to wear the clots of your parents or of your grandparents? Yes! Those old clots that have a strange smell and that lie somewhere in the attic or in some limber box. There where nobody bothers to go, except when we need something, we don’t find the thing that we are looking for but you we wake up in some mysterious world surrounded by old things that you don’t quite remember of. And you realize that it was a time when the things were different. Different habits, different clots and slowly you start to remember the old stories of your parents or your grandparents and you think of some ways to get in touch with that world.

Well the sad part is that we can’t actually go in that world. We can pretend that we are in that time of old. This is what we did and for a moment we felt in that time. With those old clots that give you the smell of ancient, with that old car that made us think of old times and past memories.

It was one day of actually acknowledged the importance of memories and past times…

Try it once and I bet you will try it again!!! We will for sure!!!

Enviroment Video

Social Habits and Environment
by Ciprian Pantea
Slow Motion Video - Made by Cre8ive8 and Orce Nikolov High School
People do have funny habits and sometimes it is good to realize and take action for a social change. That's what we did!!! Habits like trowing cigarette filers or chewing-gum on the ground or the simple garbage that we leave after we had a nice meal outside in nature are some sort of habits that causes a lot of headaches and pain to people themselves but especially to environment. We have to be aware of the impact of our action and try to change the social behavior through youth and social activism. Environment's health means humanity's health and we have to care and act!
This is what we did!!!
Action to change !!!! Young people in the job of humanity!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life is ...

By Ciprian Pantea
" Life is that precious thing that have to cherish while we still have it."
The miracle of life is everywhere...!!! It lies even in the the smallest cell of our body and all over this earth, it surprises us every time and it shows that it is not ordinary. Still we have the duty to protect it, to watch upon, to cherish it. We have to understand the meaning of life and connect it to each decision that we make! It lies in you and in everybody! All you have to do is give the respect that it needs and you will reward you with spectacular wonders.
From the smallest dot it starts, the life and the only duty that we have is to protect it. We are responsible for this dot all your life and if you will give love and you will receive more love that you would ever expected.
This is the miracle of life!!! Keep it safe!!!

Made by Orce Nikolov's students&Cre8ive8

Friday, April 16, 2010

Let's build a Camera Obscura

Understand by doing
by Ciprian Pantea
It is a important process of learning, especially if you want to explain the photographic process. Camera obscura is working on the same principle of photographic cameras work now. Yes it true that the cameras evolved and that we the chemical process made possible the way photography works today, still the physical process remained pretty much the same. You can find more details about the Dark Room here.

The image that we projected
Image inside of the Dark Room
Image and Camera

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jeet Kune Do Photo-Session

Harder than it seems

By Ciprian Pantea

Photography seems sometimes a easy job still when it is about to do a particular photo-session, like this one, you might need some extra attention. Yes! You have to be careful and adapt your camera to the needs of the environment that you are taking pictures of. And this particular type of adaptation requires attention and knowledge. What we have leaned from this is that we need to practice and we will became capable of seeing the picture before we actually take it.
With Time and by practice we make performance. It is a lesson for life, that can be applied in each aria that we will work.

Dedication and success will be yours!!!

Cache the egg

....if you can !!!!

We dare you to be faster than the gravitation and take the photo... !!! This workshop was a dynamic one and combined imagination with practical skills in building a safe nest !!! We managed to create and practice photography.... !!! Great things we leaned during this workshop!!! One of them was how to use the speed and the aperture in order to cache the flying egg. :D

Our team